freedom finders
Now's the time in life where you want to stop & smell the roses, right? Heck, we don't want to work forever! We want to slow down and enjoy life at a respected, fair pace . Travel, explore and relax into the world without 8am's to get to & bottom lines to manage. To get into this position, right now we need to get talking about;
· Retirement Planning. Don't let the word 'retire' make you feel old. Let it make you feel free.
· Super is now a 10/10. At this point, we need to shift the conversation so that it becomes more about wise strategy & moving larger amounts of money into your super, in preparation for retirement (aka freedom).
· We need to understand what retirement is. What does it actually mean. Let's unravel the term 'pension' and how it's going to work for you.
· Establishing clear goals around what retirement looks like. Travel aspirations, spending needs, living arrangements. The more we pack in, the better we'll be prepared.
· If relevant to you, understanding the accumulation of wealth. How can we move it into tax effective structures, allowing you to continue reaping further benefits.
· Modelling around longevity of income. 'If we take your advice Andrew, what does this look like in 10 years from now?' This is a very good question. Let's unpack it.
The fine print that punctuates the management of your superfund, your savings account/s & your overall position in terms of your finance & wealth, can feel overwhelming & heavy. This should not be weighing you down, as this is the time of life where you should focus on leaning into the freedom of life after work.
Now can be the time where you indulge a little more without fear or, a second, third or forth thought. Partnering with someone like myself , someone who will take the reins & confidently manage this aspect of your life, will allow you to kick back & enjoy the company of family and friends. Travel, seek & find. Explore. Unwind. Relax.